1. Thing you cannot leave the house without? 
I can't leave the house without my phone!

2. Favourite Brand of makeup? 
I couldn't possibly pick one, but I love Makeup Revolution, L'Oreal and Maybelline.

3. Favorite Flower? 

4. Fav clothing store? 
I love Primark! But if I had no budget then River Island is by far my favourite.

5. Favorite Perfume? 
Viktor & Rolf Bon Bon <3

6. Heels or flats? 

7. Do you make good grades? 
I did quite well at my A Levels, I got A,A,B. But I wasn't very happy with my University grades, I got a 2:2 but I was 0.4 marks off a 2:1!!

8. Favorite colors? 
Pink, purple, red, black, and I am loving grey at the minute <3

9. Do you drink energy drinks? 
Yes, but I try not to drink them too often.

10. Do you drink juice ? 
Not really, no.

11. Do you like swimming ? 
NO, I can't swim! SO embarrassing, haha. 

12. Do you eat fries with a fork? 
Ermmm, it depends, if I am in a restaurant then yes, but if I am in a fast food restaurant or at home, no.

13. Favorite Moisturizer? 
Dermatique Recuperating Cream <3

14. Do you want to get married later on in life ? 
YES <3

15. Do you get mad easily ? 
I guess so :')

16. Are you into Ghost Hunting ? 

17. Any phobias? 
Spiders and clowns! :(

18. Do you bite your nails ? 
No, I used to but now I bite and pick the skin around my nails! Which is probably worse but :/ 

19. Have you ever had a near death experience? 

20. Do you drink coffee ? 