Thursday, 21 July 2016

My boob job experience (so far)

Monday 11th July 6pm:
So it's the day before my operation and I am really calm. Not nervous at all! Which has surprised me, I thought I'd be a nervous wreck the day before. I guess it hasn't really sunk in yet. It hasn't sunk in that I will be put to sleep tomorrow while I'm cut open and have two foreign objects put into me! Yep, even writing that I don't feel nervous because it doesn't feel real.
People keep asking me if I'm nervous or scared of the pain, and my honest answer is no. I'm not scared. Yes it might be bad. Yes I might have times where I am in so much pain I am crying in agony. Yes I may struggle. But it's all for something I have waited years and years for. No pain no gain! If I was in anyway scared, nervous, worried, or hesitant at this point then I'd question whether I actually wanted to have it done in the first place. I will undoubtably be nervous tomorrow, especially when I get to the hospital, because of the fact I am being cut open after all. But up until now I've not had one second thought, not one second of being nervous or worried. And I've been nothing but excited. Which I think is the whole point of it, it's something I have wanted for so so long, something that's a dream to me, and still feels like a dream, and something that is going to hugely benefit me by making me more confident and happy about myself; of course I am going to be super excited!

The only thing I've had second thoughts about is whether I'm getting big enough implants, and whether I really want it under the muscle. But I've done enough research to know the size implants I am going will look very natural on me, and I am not after ridiculously enormous boobs anyway! And going under the muscle is generally a lot better anyway, for the look, feel and longevity of the implant. The only downside with going under the muscle is the increase in pain during recovery. Which as I said before I am no scared about, as it will be worth it.

My bag is almost ready, with sports bras, front fastening day shirts and night shirts, pjs, socks, and pants. I will add my toothbrush and toiletries in the morning. I am packing overnight stuff just in case, and extra sports bras just in case. And extra clothes just in case. I always have to pack extra, always haha! Imagine how terrible I am when it comes to packing to go on holiday, haha.

Anyway, I have to be there at 7:30am tomorrow morning. So we are leaving the house at 6:30, it takes roughly 45-50 minutes to get there but I have to be early for everything. I am waking up at 5am, to have a nice relaxing bath, then get my bag completely ready, sort the cat out and get the armchair ready for when I get back. I will get it ready with my pillows, blankets and pulled away from the wall so I can recline too.

I am about to make dinner, and will be trying to eat as much of it as I can seeing as I can't eat from midnight tonight. I will update you on how I am feeling in the morning! I kind of doubt I will get any sleep tonight as all I will think about it my operation being tomorrow, but I really do not mind. I will be sleeping most the day tomorrow anyway. 

Tuesday 12th July 5:40am:

So I woke up just before 5am. I had a rubbish night sleep, but NOT because of nerves or excitement, but because my cat was extra clingy and extra fussy last night and just wanted to lie all over me all night. But I'm not that bothered about being tired. I will get plenty of sleep over the next couple of days.

I had a bath, got up bought almost everything downstairs that I am brining with me to the hospital. Including the over night bag, dressing gown, laptop for me and the iPad to keep James entertained while he is there and I bought down the spare duvet and I've put it on the arm chair ready for when I get home.

I woke up hungry too! And right now I am quite hungry and thirsty. On a normal day I could go a couple of hours without a drink of water really. And I don't have a drink of water until I get to work 3 hours after I've woken up sometimes! But today of all days, I really would like a glass of nice cold water right now. It must be because I can't have it, and my body is making me think I want it.

Anyway, I'm almost ready, hair is wet but from what I've researched that's fine to turn up with slightly damp hair anyway and everything is ready, I think. All that needs to be done is for me to feed the cat, and for James to wake up! We aren't leaving for another 45 minutes though.

7:30am: I'm at the hospital, in my room, number 26 to be exact. And I've just found out I am first on the list and I am so happy! I'm still not that nervous!

7pm: okay guys, I went down for my operation at 8:30-9ish and was back into my room at 10:30. The first thing I said when I came around after my operation was 'is James okay?!' So even after having surgery I cared more about whether my boyfriend was okay before myself, haha. All I've done is sleep all day. I left the hospital at about 5ish. The car journey home wasn't too bad at all, probably because there were no speed bumps on the journey thank god! All I've felt so far is the heaviness in my chest and tightness. I would rate my pain roughly a 3 or 4 out of 10. So it's really not bad.

Sunday the 17th July:

I'm so sorry guys, I would have documented every day but it really wasn't a priority, obviously.
But the day after my operation I was surprised at how well I slept. I spent most the day resting, had a couple of small naps too. But in the afternoon I had to go out as being in the house all day sat doing nothing was driving me insane so I just went to the supermarket to look around and get myself a decent magazine to read.

Post op day 2 (Thursday):

I was in the most pain of the whole experience BUT it was only a 6/10. And painkillers really eased the pain so it was totally bearable. The pain didn't stop me from going out though; I went to surprise my mum at her house, as I hadn't seen her since my operation yet. And then I went to James' parents to see them and me and James took one of the dogs for a walk.
I also had my first bath/shower on this day. I had the shallowest bath ever, cleaned myself, shaved, etc. And then James washed my hair making sure my plasters and incisions didn't get wet. 

Post op day 3 (Friday):

My pain had subsided massively! 
I also had my first bath/shower on this day. I had the shallowest bath ever, cleaned myself, shaved, etc. And then James washed my hair making sure my plasters and incisions didn't get wet. 
I went shopping as well (for makeup, yay). And then my mum and step dad came round to my house to see me too. So I spent the day doing relatively normal things. 

Post op day 4 (Saturday):

I went out for lunch with James and coped fine. 
I also woke up in NO pain at all! And I only took one pain killer the whole day!
After lunch we went shopping again, spent time at James' Nan's and I felt 'normal' again. Back to before in terms of the fact I had basically no pain and could do normal everyday things. 
I managed to wash my hair myself! 

Post op day 5 (Sunday):

I had no pain all day again and had no pain killers at all.
I spend the day at James' parents for Sunday dinner, went for a walk with James' niece and nephew too.
Again it was just a normal day to me.

Post op day 6 (Monday):

Not much to report, went out for lunch that's it. But again no pain. Felt normal.

Post op day 7 (Tuesday):

I went back to work, it was a bit more tiring than normal, but I was perfectly fine. Seat Belts no longer hurt me from this day, nor do speed bumps. Yay!
It was also my first post op appointment with the nurse. She changed and cleaned my plasters and cut the ends of so my incisions can breath. Told me I can shower properly and get them wet but I need to change the plasters after every shower, making sure to cut the ends off the plasters.

Now we are at post op day 9 (Thursday) and I still feel no pain.
The incisions itch a lot sometimes, but that's because they are healing. Sometimes it feels like the incisions are running on my sports bra or on the plasters or something and can sting a little but it's fine.
The itching is annoying but I am taking hayfever tablets which minimises the itching a little.
I can not wait to have the band (binder), that pushes the implants down, off though! That itself itches my skin, and it's so tight, makes picking out clothes to wear very very difficult and it's just annoying and in the way.

But so far I LOVE my new boobs! So much. Clothes look SO much better on me. And I feel so much more confident. I can't wait to go underwear shopping once they are all healed already. And I am so happy I've gone through this experience, I have no regrets whatsoever so far. I am over the moon!

I am pretty sure I've probably missed out something, or something doesn't make sense, so any questions feel free to ask me in the comments and I will answer them all.

Thanks for reading.
Love, Abbie <3

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