Saturday 22 August 2015

Benefit Operation Pore Proof First Impression/Review

Hi guys, so as you might have seen I recently purchased the NEW Benefit Operation Pore Proof kit from Boots.
I generally love Benefit products, despite the fact they are quite expensive in comparison to the rest of the makeup I own. But because they offer these kind of kits with smaller sizes of the products I am fortunately able to own quite a few of their products.

When I saw this kit was out I was SOOOOO excited for it! I have trouble with minimising my pores so I literally thought this kit was sent from Haven just for me, haha! But seriously, I had high, high hopes for this.

You can't go wrong with the Porefessional primer, no, I don't think it totally minimises pores, but you also can't expect it to work miracles, so it doesn't bother me. So that product was fine, it is the rest of them that I have the issues with!

Dr Feel Good, is a product that is meant to be pat and smoothed over makeup to mattify. BUT all this seemed to do, even though I followed the instructions perfectly, was wipe away my makeup! I could see the freckles and redness on the area I used it on! It literally just wiped it ALL away!

License to Blot, is essentially a very similar product, you pat it on areas that are a little shiny to mattify. But, again, there is a theme here, it just wiped my makeup away! As I patted it onto the shiny parts of my face it literally took all my powder, foundation and concealer with it! Frustrating!

And, Shy Beam was the product I was most excited for, it is a matte liquid highlighter, which sounds like my dream product! BUT I applied this to the high points of my cheek bones, and on a second occasion (to give it a second chance) I applied it under my eyes, somewhat like a concealer, just to try and brighten my under eye area, and oh my god, it too just took my entire foundation etc with it as I used my finger or a sponge to blend it in!

Overall I am so disappointed with the product! Because it is not cheap either! At all! It retails at £28.50, and when I am only mildly happy with one product (the primer) then it really is not worth that much!
I still remain hopeful that I just got a bad batch, or faulty product, and that these products are all actually really good and as amazing as I would have initially thought. But these products that I bought are seriously so bad! And I am absolutely gutted I have basically lost out on £28.50 because to me that is a lot of money and I could have bought so much drug store makeup that is brilliant quality for that amount of money!

Oh well, you live and you learn.

If I haven't scared you off, then here is where you can buy the product

Thanks for reading,
Love, Abbie

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