Tuesday 7 July 2015

First ever blog post...

So, my first ever blog post. Where to start?
Well, I could start with showing you my 'happy place', my make-up desk.

I absolutely love sitting at this desk and just playing around with all my make-up, and I much prefer being able to see most of my make-up, rather than having it all stored in draws.
As you can probably see, I have quite a few lipsticks! I think I have over 100 now, I know it sounds so bad, but it seriously is an addiction, and that is definitely where the make-up addiction started too! Then followed make-up brushes, foundation, eyeliners, eye shadow palettes etc, and now I am here.
But the beauty of all this is that now I have found so many amazing products that I can't wait to share with you all, most of which are drug store/affordable products. I only own a small handful of high end products, so I mainly love finding amazing affordable products so you don't actually need to splash out on expensive products. Which, for me, means I can justify buying more make-up, the cheaper it is.

Being my first ever blog post I would love for you to comment and let me know what things you'd like me to do blog posts on, and if there is anything you can see on this picture that you'd want me to write a blog post review on then comment and let me know :)

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